Sunday, 14 March 2010

I Hate Everything

Hate is good. It is healthy. It's the soap we lather ourselves with in order to rid our brains of all the worldly bullshit that is oh so evident. We can't be afraid to hate, people. Let it in; stop smiling and start getting angry. People complain about how bad this world has become, (I know as I am one of them) yet most people are unwilling to actually react. Get angry, get pissed off and shout about it. Ram your opinion down other people's throats until they have no option but to listen or argue back. For anybody that thinks I'm just a miserable git with too much time on my hands to rant and rave (I probably am), I have tried Positivism, it doesn't work and now I hate that too.

Rawr! This little rant came about with me actually listening to myself speak. I seem to moan a lot so I decided to write down a comprehensive list of everything I hate. It is embarrassingly long; five pages to give you an idea. My initial idea was to make a small book based around the idea of hate. However I underestimated the amount of content I would need for such a project so I therefore looked at producing a series of images instead of a whole book.

Initial imagery for book contents. The huge "03" is just the page number, a bit on the large side huh? I call it my ode to Bauhaus.

Initial two page spread. Idea behind this was to juxtapose a visually "happy" image with the text, "I Hate Everything". I really like this, somehow. Very simple but affective.

Another potential two page spread. Not overly keen on this one.

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