Wednesday, 24 March 2010

B.I.B.L.E. (basic instructions before leaving Earth)

Basically this is just a list of how I think people should try to live. Not in an order of importance, just as they came to me. Parts of this may mean different things to different people, hopefully that's the beauty of it. Personal impersonality I guess.

Thinking about using black vinyl and putting this on a white wall somewhere.

Very similar to my list of hates. I think I love listing things a bit too much.

Be a snob
Don't follow fashion
Do what you like
Keep old photos
Work very hard
Minimise fast-food eating
Adopt an animal
Don't try to please everyone, you'll only fail
Be kind but not over-kind
Be generous but not over-generous
Read a newspaper everyday
Watch the news everyday
Cry if needs be
Keep a diary but don't let anyone read it
One day of the week, don't shower
Be opinionated
Don't describe yourself as "random", everybody does this so it's really not that random
Don't pretend you don't care what people think, everybody does it's only human
Keep in touch
Invent your own language
Take the piss
Be sarcastic but don't be an asshole
Turn off the lights
Don't ignore politics
Fuck Morrisons (not literally)
Second isn't good enough
Let the phone ring
Don't be afraid of hurting people's feelings
Don't be ignorant
Don't leave the house without perfume/aftershave
Get your eyes tested
Draw, even if you're shit
Sing in the shower
Sing in the car
Don't drive like a knobhead
You can have your cake and eat it
Don't say yes to things you have no intention of doing
Use correct grammar
Sometimes you have to lie
Don't put your life on Facebook, nobody cares
Regret things
Don't ever work in an office
Show off in small amounts
Don't kill things
Listen to music with substance
Get plastered once in a while
Try not to wallow
Give a shit about things
Embrace change
Don't run from pain, go towards it
Get angry
Don't believe everything you read/hear
Expand your mind
Be interested
Don't take shit from anybody, no matter who they (think they) are
Don't like something just because everyone else does (Fight Club is shit)
Don't wear make-up everyday
Boys, never wear make-up
Leave something to imagination
Don't be a slag, nobody will respect you
Take yourself seriously but not too seriously
Take your time
Don't try to be different, all humans are different by definition anyway
Ask questions
Demand answers
Don't wait
Give tough love, it works
Being over-sensitive will get you nowhere