Sunday, 14 November 2010


Just a quick update (because what else would I be doing up at 3 AM?!) on what I've been up to. First up something really exciting, seriously now, strap yourself in because this is amazing, the pub that I work at asked me to design their Christmas newsletter. If that isn't a sign that you've made it then I don't know what is. All the other Marstons pubs in the area are having a go (I've seen their efforts and all I'm saying is COMIC SANS GALORE) and some poor soul is going to judge who's best and the winner gets a whole fifty English pounds. I'm not expecting to win because the judge will know knob-all about design and will probably mark mine down because it doesn't have some wicked Christmas styled clip-art in it. Gutted. Anyway. Here's what I did, simple say what.

(As you can tell there's fack all going on at our pub so we had to flesh it out a tad and ew, I actually hate this now. Why did I use Georgia?)

In other exciting news, I have my first design job interview on Monday! To say I'm shitting a kitten would be the understatement of eternity. Strangely enough the job is Wigan hospital who are looking for an in-house designer, of sorts (think annual reports, information leaflets etc). So they gave the successful candidates (me, boojah) a small brief to do which we have to present on Monday. Hopefully I won't throw up because yeah, I hate doing that. Anyroad. The brief was on something I can't say I have much experience with...breastfeeding. Norm. All the content was given to us and we had to do something with it. Again, tres simples.

Back off to Dust on Tuesday, cannot ruddy wait.